Thursday, 30 July 2015

School and life

Started Poly life in April 2015 this year and from past experiences, I knew that I had to change or I will forever be alone in life  I told myself that whatever my friends pointed out they didn't like, I'll change. I stopped being attached to people, I stopped being hyper all the time, I stopped shouting people's names from across the hallway. Everything was fine. I had a clique, I had friends, I lead the life I've always wanted with friends by my side. One fine day, everything just changed. What I loved and treasured most just disappeared. Since then, everything just went downhill. Broke down in school almost everyday, went from looking forward to the weekends to looking forward when school ended, was alone for breaks most of the time unless I bump into people from church or secondary school. Everything went from being the sweetest dream to my worst nightmare. That was when I realized that that was life. and the only other option I had? Was death. Many times death seemed liked the easier option, that I no longer had to go through so much pain anymore. But every time, I told myself I have to continue fighting, that I couldn't let those who still cared for me down. Especially now amidst the busy and stressful period of project submissions, presentations and the upcoming Semestral exams, where everything is so overwhelming, where life seems to be crumbling down. It is during these times that I have to carry on fighting and hold close the people I love and treasure, the words of encouragement and the advice to keep on keeping on.

"Never let anyone dull your sparkle"